Editorial: Yandi Andri Yatmo, Paramita Atmodiwirjo

This edition of ARTEKS: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur presents a series of the investigation into the locality as an attempt to contribute to the development of architectural knowledge that addresses particular contexts. In architecture, as in many other disciplines, knowledge is developed and transformed through inquiry and investigation, as a means to take a position in relation to the existing knowledge.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30822/arteks.v6i1

Published: 2021-04-17

Application of reused material concept in the rusunawa planning

Shirleen Christiana Wibowo, Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto


The comparison of device materials of sliding sudare using a prototyping method

Agus Hariyadi, Esti Setyaning Jati, Nabila Afif, Alya Farah Taufiqoh


Analysis of the residential space transformation of government-subsidized housing program

Agustina Sri Rezeki Simbolon, Dwira Nirfalini Aulia, Hilma Tamiami Fachrudin


Ethnomodelling on atag construction in Ajung Village, Jember Regency

Yusfan Adeputera Yusran, Sri Utami, Surjono, Atsar Yaisy Muhammad


Visual evaluation of the coastal area on Ayung River Estuary in Denpasar City

I Made Agus Dharmadiatmika, Anak Agung Keswari Krisnandika


Detection of potential green open space area using landsat 8 satellite imagery

Respati Wikantiyoso, Aditya Galih Sulaksono, Tonny Suhartono
