The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels

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Nita Dwi Estika
Yudhistira Kusuma
Dewi Retno Prameswari
Iwan Sudradjat


Contemporary architects highlight past ideas and present new manifestos often perceived as utopian. Bjarke Ingels introduced hedonistic sustainability in response to the demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable living through different perspectives. This paper comprehensively explains the concept of hedonistic sustainability through the designs of Bjarke Ingels, a contemporary architect. Literature from various sources is examined to describe Bjarke Ingels' idea. Hedonistic sustainability combines sustainable ideas, fun, and community. Bjarke Ingels's architectural design is applied through simulation and an ironic approach. Its representation facilitates the exploration of the design objects planned concretely. The idea of playful and communality was raised through the design that accommodates various user activities. Bjarke Ingels's idea is expected to contribute to the knowledge and contemporary architecture design process in Indonesia.

© 2020 Nita Dwi Estika, Yudhistira Kusuma, Dewi Retno Prameswari, Iwan Sudradjat


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How to Cite
Estika, Nita Dwi, Yudhistira Kusuma, Dewi Retno Prameswari, and Iwan Sudradjat. 2020. “The Hedonistic Sustainability Concept in the Works of Bjarke Ingels”. ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur 5 (3), 339-46.
Author Biographies

Nita Dwi Estika, History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Research Group, SAPPD, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Academic Assistant at Architectural History, Theory, and Criticism Research Group

Yudhistira Kusuma, Architectural Planning Research Group, Department of Architectural Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Lecturer at Department of Architecture, FPTK UPI

Dewi Retno Prameswari, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD), Insitut Teknologi Bandung

Graduated from Master's degree of Research Architecture in Institut Teknologi Bandung (21/10/2019). Sakura Science Scholarship Awardee (2015) and Erasmus Scholarship Awardee (2019). Experienced in qualitative research, building documentation, historic, housing and settlement research, bamboo and wood building construction.

Iwan Sudradjat, History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Research Group, SAPPD, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Professor in Architectural History, Theory, and Criticism (School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development)


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